Week 6 Update (2/12-2/16)

This week showed progress in the continued development of a script for automated movement and 3D mapping. Through lots of research, debugging and troubleshooting, we have successfully created a node "Move" written in C++, which currently publishes pre-planned movement commands to the corresponding Move topic, instead of relying on user-inputted commands from a terminal. Admittedly this does not seem like significant progress in terms of bot movement/intelligence, since that level has remained consistent from the previous week, but eliminating direct user control is actually a big step for the project. 

Total hours: 22 hours.

Fig 1. node list showing active Move node

Fig 2. topic list showing active Move Topic (receiving from Node)

Fig 3. Moving from Move Node (no logic yet)

   Fig 4. Move Node publishing commands to Move Topic 


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