Week 3 Update (10/9-10/13)

This week's progress consisted mainly of algorithm research to prepare for the upcoming Midterm Exam and gain an altogether better understanding of the various algorithms required for full functionality of the Mouse Droid. A team task hub was created using Notion to aid in Agile Sprint Management, organization, and delegation of tasks. Now that Linux is setup and running on the team desktop, ROS2 installation is underway on both the desktop and the R-Pi4. 

The total hours logged this week for the team was: 19 hours.

Below are screenshots and photos documenting what was accomplished this week.

Fig 1. Current obstacle with Ubuntu MATE: getting the Wifi dongle and/or LAN cable connection to work with Ubuntu 

Fig 2. An example of an algorithm (Otsu's Method) found during research that will be relevant to the functionality of the project. Here, Otsu's method is used to determine perceived pixels into two categories: foreground and background. 

This algorithm, as well as others found during research this week, helps the team to understand more of the theory behind the desired functionality and saves valuable student time and energy by not attempting to "re-invent the wheel". 

Fig 3. Mouse Droid Project desktop on Notion, 
showing overall task list and varying status' of specific tasks 

Fig 4. Sprint View for this week's Sprint on Notion


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