Week 7 Update (2/19-2/23)

This week showed progress in the development of our existing Move cpp node, and the creation of our new MoveWithLidar.xml behavior tree. We did a bit of restructuring to organize all functionality in our node, and logic in our behavior tree, which is proving much more helpful and efficient. We now have logic implemented in place of a basic loop with repeating hard-coded movement commands. Initially, we used a "go until you see a wall, stop, reverse until you see a wall, repeat" logic tree to test out Lidar scope and limitations. Through many trials, we learned a lot about the 360 scope of the lidar, as well as some errors in the structure of our code (ie. mixing logic between our node and bt). We narrowed the scope of the Lidar to make decisions only on input from an 11-1 o'clock range, so a side parallel wall will not trigger as an obstacle. 

Additionally, this Monday we also received access to the actual Lidar sensor, and will being testing and implementation during Week 8. We are also meeting with the MEs this week to discuss next steps regarding implementation and expectations for the remainder of the semester. 

Total hours: 24 hours.

Fig 1. New MoveWithLidar.xml behavior tree 

Fig 2. Updated callback of Move.cpp node, 
specifying "obstacle" range for Lidar scope messages

   Fig 3. Initial "go until wall, stop, reverse until wall, repeat", 
triggered by parallel walls

Fig 4. Successfully executing wall detection with direct collision range

Fig 5. Lidar sensor secured


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